Still No Power

 Still no power, but the linemen were working in the neighborhood yesterday and I can see lights, real lights, not generator lights, a block over. So, there's hope!

I've learned that my neighborhood rooster has a best friend who is a crow who comes to visit him every morning. I wonder what they talk about?
The main part of the roof is tarped, but the camelback is in bad shape and is going to need some extra work so we are still waiting on the Corps of Engineers to come out and look at it and do some mitigation work. Supposedly, that will start tomorrow. The insurance adjuster is scheduled to come next week so I will know more after that.
Blessedly, there has been no rain and the system that was coming up from the Gulf seems to be heading towards Florida. Sorry, Florida, but we really appreciate you taking this one for us down here, because there's no way we could handle it right now.
On a less positive note, our Coconut rat passed away on Sunday. He was comfortable and surrounded by the kids and me and his brother Michael rat and nephew Julian rat. He may have been just a rat, but he was one of the best!
This is the third animal we have lost during this time. First, was Will's fish who died while we were in Mississippi. We think it was from the stress of moving around when we evacuated. The second was a chicken who got caught by a neighborhood cat while we were trying to secure them in the backyard. (Everything was supposed to have been set up for chickens to be safe and secure the weekend Ida hit, but we all know what happened...) Then finally, Coconut. Hurricanes and their aftermath are hard, not only on humans but on pets, too.
Despite the sad, I have always said that when I retire I want to be a New Orleans tour guide. I've even started doing the work to get my tour guide license. I love this place. I love to share it with people. Eventually, I will have a newer, better guest bedroom with lovely little gardens and chickens pecking about and a house that doesn't look like it's been hit by a hurricane. When that day comes, I hope that those of you who want to visit this magical city will come and stay and let me share this beautiful place with you. There's no place like it in the world and everyone should see it at least once.
Hopefully, my next post will be the one saying we have electricity. For now, over and out!


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